Book Cover: Ethics from Sinai

Ethics from Sinai

This bookThe book "Ethics from Sinai" was written by Irving M. Bunim and it has some pages for you to enjoy.

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Synopsis, Summary or DescriptionNext Section

The book Ethics from Sinai} is on the table

"Ethics from Sinai" presents a comprehensive view on Jewish ethics as the foundation of a personal and communal way of life. Drawing from authoritative text sources such as the Talmud and Midrash, as well as other Jewish writings, this book fills a gap in the field of practical ethics. In the first part, it discusses ethical principles rooted in Torah, Jewish law, and tradition. The second part explores how these principles apply to everyday issues, ranging from interpersonal relationships and business ethics to medical dilemmas and the ethical use of technology.

The author, Irving M. Bunim, has a unique approach to Jewish ethics. Unlike many other works on the subject, he eschews presenting a list of ethical do's and don'ts, instead emphasizing the underlying values that give rise to ethical behavior. He argues that Jewish ethics, far from being a dry, legalistic code, is a deeply spiritual and meaningful approach to life's challenges. To illustrate this point, he relates numerous stories and anecdotes that bring these principles to life.

One of the book's central themes is the idea that ethics is not just an individual concern, but also a communal one. Bunim sees the Jewish community as a kind of ethical laboratory, where people can learn from each other's experiences and be held accountable for their actions. He points out that Judaism puts great emphasis on the concept of "Chesed" (loving-kindness), and shows how this value is worked out practically in areas such as visiting the sick, caring for the poor, and helping those in need.

The book also addresses some of the most pressing ethical issues facing society today, such as abortion, euthanasia, and genetic engineering. Bunim's approach is to provide a clear, reasoned analysis of each issue from a Jewish perspective, without resorting to simplistic slogans or black-and-white thinking. He acknowledges that some of these issues are complex and controversial, and encourages readers to engage with them thoughtfully and mindfully.

Overall, "Ethics from Sinai" is a book that will appeal not only to Jews but to anyone interested in exploring the ethical foundations of human behavior. With its clear, accessible prose and engaging style, it has become a classic in the field and a must-read for anyone seeking guidance on ethical issues.

Book specifications (Data Sheet)Next Section

We have separated for you, through this data sheet, the main features of this book as extra information for you to decide whether to buy or not.

TitleEthics from Sinai
Author(s)Irving M. Bunim
ISBN9780873060028 0873060024
PublisherFeldheim Pub
Publication Date
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PDF Preview of the book Ethics from Sinai

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Where can I buy the physical version of this book? What is the price?Next Section

We have researched in several bookstores in the country and came to the conclusion that the most suitable store to buy the book Ethics from Sinai is the Amazon store.

Amazon has a very secure policy and several payment options, so you can buy your book safely and be sure that it will arrive at your home with all the care and quality.

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Reading books online has become increasingly common among young people who grew up after the advent of the internet. One of the best devices to do this type of reading is the Kindle Reader, which allows you to read books online even in a place with lots of light. If you have the opportunity, it is worth using as it will not harm your eyesight.

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Note to the Author Irving M. Bunim

It is important to point out to the author or person responsible for the book (Irving M. Bunim) that we are against piracy. The purpose of this site is to make users aware of the authors' books, so that they can sell even more.

That being said, we provide the user with the cover photo and technical sheet of the book. We also offer a PDF file containing only a brief summary of the book, with purchase links, in addition to online reading, which is a means of assisting the reader in the decision-making process.